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Salvation Army Member Shot Dead After Preaching To His Killer

Salvation Army Bell Ringer Jared Plesec

Salvation Army Bell Ringer Jared Plesec

Hundreds of individuals have flocked to The Salvation Army in Collinwood to pay tribute to Jared’s life

Jared Plesec, a 21-year-old Salvation Army employee and volunteer bell ringer was shot and killed on Saturday morning in Cleveland, Ohio. Witnesses reported to Fox 8 News that his killer, 27-year-old William Jones shot Plesec as he was sharing the Gospel with him. Plesec was also a Bible study teacher and was described by loved ones as smart, sweet, full of faith, and likely to forgive his killer.

The Salvation Army issued a statement reported by local news outlet WKYC, saying, “Jared was an employee (youth worker) and church member of The Salvation Army Temple Corps Community Center in Collinwood. Jared died as he lived, sharing God’s love. Jared passed away in full Salvation Army uniform with his Bible in hand leaving home on his day off to volunteer at The Salvation Army’s Red Kettle.”

“In the past two days,” the statement continued, “hundreds of individuals, mostly youth, have flocked to The Salvation Army in Collinwood to pay tribute to Jared’s life. They all had one thing in common, Jared loved them, he cared for them and he changed their lives. Today our we feel great loss that Jared was taken from us too soon. Yet we rejoice that he is in heaven with the loving Heavenly Father he told so many people about.”

William Jones reportedly went on a carjacking spree after shooting Plesec, before being captured by police and arrested in Lakewood. Jones has been charged with aggravated murder, grand theft auto and fleeing and eluding.

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