Believers Portal

Righteousness Preserves

Righteousness keeps him that is upright…………………Proverbs 13 vs 6

The world is falling and failing daily; everything is irreversibly going down on an alarming speed. Whereas everything in the world must vanish, if the righteousness of God is in you, it shall keep/preserve you.

Note, it’s not your righteousness (which before God is as filthy rag), but the righteousness of Jesus which you receive the moment you get born again.

Friend, do you want to be preserved in this chaotic world and in the world to come, do you want your health, family, business, etc., preserved? then you need Jesus to give you His righteousness.

Receive Him into your life today and be kept from evil.

Food For Thought: Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people (Proverbs 14:34)

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