Believers Portal

Revive Us 2016 To Be Re-aired On October 24

Cameron will host a re-air of the event Oct. 24 for those who missed the live showing. Organizers encourage interested participants to check theater listings for start times in your area.

Notable influencers in Christian circles like Francis Chan, Dr. Ben Carson, Jennifer Rothschild, Dr. James McDonald and others took part in calling America’s attention back to Christ.

“America is in critical condition but it is not something that cannot be salvaged,” Carson said. “‘But if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, I will restore their land,'” he added, quoting scripture.

According to Cameron, “Christians are the biggest voting bloc in the United States,” he said, adding that millions still chose to sit home during the last elections.

The speakers all agreed that Christians can change America’s future if they just vote. The evening ended with prayer and and worship.

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