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Prophet T.B. Joshua 2019 Prophecies

Prophet T.B. Joshua
Prophet T.B. Joshua

Prophet T.B. Joshua of the Synagogue Church of Nations, SCOAN, in his 2019 prophecy labelled 2019 as “very fearful.”

Prophet T.B. Joshua of the Synagogue Church of Nations, SCOAN, has labelled 2019 as “very fearful.”

He also said there may be interruption of democracy in the year 2019.

In a Youtube video, Joshua said he saw this while praying at an undisclosed ‘prayer mountain.’

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He started by saying, “I am here because I know where I need to grow. When we know where we need to grow, it is victory itself.”

The prophet said he was there “to know the mind of God concerning this fearful year 2019 and also to pray for you and the world at large.”

He called on Nigerians to pray against “a stopover” and “the interruption of the democratic practice” as Nigeria prepares for the elections next month, February 2019.

“I like being one with nature – where there are no disturbances, where we don’t need to close our eyes to pray,” he explained, indicating he had been in prayer and fasting for several days to begin the New Year.

“I developed this habit right from the beginning of my ministry… When I need a quiet place, I run to the wilderness, to the mountain,” he continued, conspicuously barefooted, simply clad and holding his Bible.

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Prediction of the postponement of Nigeria’s 2019 General Election

The founder and general overseer of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) also predicted the postponement of the Nigeria’s 2019 elections about 6 days before the postponement was announced by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), the electoral body of the nation.

In a video uploaded on church’s Youtube page, Emmanuel TV, on Sunday, February 10, 2019, the prophet said:

“The Nigerian election may likely be postponed because of many challenges. In whatever way, God is in control.

“Those who will cause trouble will see trouble and those who will cause peace will see peace. You will see the clouds so dark as if it’s about to rain – but suddenly the dark cloud disappears.

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“If the people of Nigeria want to cause trouble, they will cause trouble for themselves but the nation of Nigeria will stand,” the man of God says as he adds that Nigeria “has a very strong bond with God”.

The man of God however urged the congregation to “pray against a stop-over” and for a “smooth democracy” for Nigeria.

Watch The Video Below:

Message for the Nigerian election starts from 17:04.

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