Author: Daniel S. Warner
Oh, worship God the Father, just and true,
And praise Him for the wonders of His grace;
To Him give thanks for mercies ever new;
Be joyful at the smiling of His face.
Praise the Lord who hath washed us in His blood!
Praise the Lord who hath brought us home to God!
Give Him all, and worship Him alone,
In sweet accord, with angels round the throne.
The Son hath died to ransom us from death;
Oh, let us sing our dear Redeemer’s praise!
His love proclaim with every fleeting breath;
With songs of glory crown Him all our days.
The Spirit shines in us, the holy light,
Oh, blessed, blessed be the heav’nly dove;
He sanctifies and keeps us snowy white,
And fills our hearts with constant peace and love.
In one accord, oh, praise the Father’s name!
With songs of triumph magnify the Son,
And give the Spirit just and equal fame;
Oh, glorify the holy Three in One!