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Pope Francis Declares Bible As False For Approving Same-sex Marriage – Franklin Graham

“For Pope Francis to attempt to normalize homosexuality is to say that Holy Scriptures are false, that our sins really don’t matter, and that we can continue living in them.”

Evangelist Franklin Graham-Pope Francis
Evangelist Franklin Graham-Pope Francis

Pope Francis is calling for the passage of civil union laws for same-sex couples. This is a significant departure from not just the scriptures, but also the position of the Vatican’s doctrinal office as well as the pope’s predecessors on this issue.

“Homosexual people have a right to be in a family. They are children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable over it,” Francis said in a documentary, called “Francesco,” that premiered Wednesday in Rome.

In reaction to Francis’ homosexual endorsement, several Christian leaders have called out the pope for going against Bible stand on marriage, and even the Catholic Church previous conclusion that endorsing such unions would be an “approval of deviant behavior.”

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In a lengthy Facebook post on Thursday, Evangelist Franklin Graham addressed Pope Francis’ endorsement of same-sex civil unions saying it contradicts the Bible’s take on homosexuality.

Graham wrote that the Pope’s comments, which were made in the new documentary Francesco, were “unthinkable in light of the Word of God.”

He went on to highlight God’s creation of humanity in Genesis and the definition of the family as “society’s most basic social unit.”

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“The Bible teaches that when God created the human race, “He created them male and female, and blessed them …” (Genesis 5:2),” Graham noted. “The first family consisted of a male husband and a female wife, then their children, which is how God defines society’s most basic social unit, the family.”

But when humanity sinned, Graham explained that God’s design for marriage and sexual expression between males and females was distorted by homosexuality.

“Women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another …” (Romans 1:26-27),” he wrote, citing the Apostle Paul’s words.

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Nevertheless, Graham stressed that God’s love is “completely inclusive” and that sinners can come to Him by turning to His Son Jesus Christ in faith and repentance. The evangelist asserted that the Pope’s approval of homosexuality ultimately distorts the Word of God and diminishes Christ’s redemptive work.

“For Pope Francis to attempt to normalize homosexuality is to say that Holy Scriptures are false, that our sins really don’t matter, and that we can continue living in them,” he explained. “If that were true, then Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection wouldn’t have been needed. The cross would have been for nothing. No one has the right or the authority to trivialize Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf.”

Reiterating God’s love for humanity, Graham noted that one can be a part of God’s family through repentance, according to the Bible.

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“The Bible says, “Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19),” he wrote.

In his closing remarks, Graham explained that a lack of repentance bears eternal consequences for one’s soul and called for the complete surrender to God.

“I want everyone to know the truth and to find the peace that comes only from fully surrendering our lives to Him and His commands. The consequence of an unrepentant, unbelieving heart is also clear in the Word of God—eternal death,” Graham stressed.

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“Unless we repent and receive His offer of forgiveness, surrendering our lives to Him, we will spend eternity as part of a different family when we leave this earth—the family of the condemned,” he concluded.

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