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Notable Stories Of Persecution Of Muslims Who Converted To Christianity In Norway

“If you do not return to Islam, we will kill you.” Ex-Muslim convert to Christianity attacked with boiling water and acid by Muslim asylum seekers at an ‘asylum reception centre’, leaving him with a severely disfigured back

A an ex-Muslim Convert to Christianity was attacked with boiling water and acid by Muslims at an ‘asylum reception centre’ in Norway on Friday.

“Ali” (Not his real name), an Asylum seeker in an immigration centre in Jaeren, Norway, had boiling water poured over him after he converted to Christianity and would not comply with Ramadan fasting rules. He and the other converts at the centre now fear for their lives

If you do not return to Islam, we will kill you” was the message from the other asylum seekers at the Asylum Reception in Hå, in the Jaeren region of Norway . He refuses to disclose his real name for fear of further reprisals from them. This is also why he is pictured face down in the image above.

If Afghan authorities found out about the incident and he were to be subsequently deported he risks being sentenced to death by stoning, he claims.

He survived the incident, but has been left with a severely disfigured back, covered with flaking skin under bandages. The Christian roommate of his, Reza, dries the oozing wounds and put the blanket support under his head. Ali, his face distorted in pain, nevertheless maintains a calm voice as he tells his story:

“Two of the Muslim residents asked why I had not fasted during Ramadan. When I would not answer, they began to discuss the matter. One of them said that he knew I was Muslim and converted to Christianity, and that they had to engage in Jihad”.

Recommended: Notable Stories Of Persecution Of Muslims Who Converted To Christianity Around The World – By Countries

One resident held Ali while another struck him in the back of the head with a pot of boiling water; and Ali collapsed to the floor. Several other Muslim residents joined the commotion. A third man walked into Ali’s room and began to trash it.

The police arrived, but only an hour later – the damage already done.

“I was still on the floor when police arrived. I told them a little, but was in too much pain to talk, so I was taken to hospital.

After a night in the hospital, went Ali back to the reception – knowing that danger had not passed When he checked the door handle to his room turned out to be covered with a acidic substance that causes burns on contact.

He summoned the staff who had washed away the chemical, but the Christian Afghan still does not feel safe. – They’re really killing me, and they will not rest until they have done it.[Source: Torturert på asylmottak i Norge – Dagen, August 26, 2011]
Norway: Christian Convert Attacked With Boiling Water By Muslim Asylum Seekers
Un:dhimmi, August 28, 2011

“This is Jihad, holy war, and we are waiting for a fatwa (licence to kill) from the local imam.” After management ignore their pleas for help, 5 Christian converts from Islam flee in fear from Muslims at asylum reception center

Muslims at the asylum center told him: “This is Jihad, holy war, and we are waiting for a fatwa (licence to kill) from the local imam at the mosque in Sandnes”

I had to escape and flee the asylum reception center in fear for my life, “Arsland” tells the news paper Dagen.

“Arsland” is from Afghanistan, converted to Christianity a while a go, and is now baptized as a Christian.

Arsland is friends with “Ali”, the Christian convert from islam who got attacked with boiling water and acid at the asylum reception a few days ago.The young Afghan man is afraid to show his face and real name to the reporters, because he knows the muslims are out to get a hold of him.

Hostile attitude:

– Another Christian friend of mine also noticed the hostile attitude of Muslims at the reception. “We must escape, for I fear that they will kill us,” he said.

So I rode off at 1:30 Sunday morning, and went to the Bird Park at Nærbø. There, I tried to sleep on a bench while it was raining, says “Arsland”. Sunday he was taken care of by Christian friends who live in that area.

Over the weekend, “Ali” moved to another asylum seeker reception because of the lack of security at Hå asylum reception center. while three other Christian converts from Afghanistan also fled Hå reception center, and is scattered in Jæren among Christian supporters.


“Arsland” was an eyewitness to some of the harassment and violence “Ali” was exposed to last tuesday

I heard screaming and went out of the room to see what happened. I witnessed that “Ali” fell on to the floor after it was being poured boiling water over him. Muslims from Somalia turned loose on him and they shouted · «This is jihad (holy war), says” Arsland “.

The involved muslims ran quickly to their rooms when “Arsland” showed up.Together with another Afghan “Arsland” lifted “Ali” carefully and carried him to his room.”Arsland” tried to warn police about what had happened, but without getting any response. A woman from the Lutheran Free Church was at the reception at the same time that this happened. She quickly called the police and they came after about half an hour. Later the ambulance arrived, and “Ali” was taken to hospital for treatment. He was back at the reception on Wednesday.

No response from the asylum centers management:

“Ali” has been bullied and harassed several times in the past before the terrible incident last week. “Asland” says that he went to the head of the reception center and told me about this, but nothing was done.

– I have even been threatened several times by the Muslims at the reception. But this was not taken seriously when I complained to the manager. “You must contact the police” was the reply I got from her, said, “Arsland”.

– How did you react to what happened with “Ali”?

– I was very scared. On Saturday night I went out of my room and met some Muslims. They were angry and said that no Muslim would allow “Ali” to live. At the same time they stressed that it was an “accident” what happened to him when he got thrown boiling water over him self… “But we are waiting for a fatwa (license to kill) from the Imam in Sandnes. “Ali” has destroyed our religion Islam, “they emphasized.

“Arsland” and his friend then realized that now their lives was also at risk, and therefore escaped the Hå asylum reception center.

– I will never go back to the reception center , he emphasizes.

– Do you regret that you accepted Jesus as your savior?

– No, not at all! I feel safe with Jesus, answered “Arsland”.[Source: Flyktet i redsel fra asylmottaket – Dagen, August 30, 2011]
Christian converts from Islam flee from Muslims in Norwegian asylum center
Tundra Tabloids, August 31, 2011

Two Iranian converts from Islam to Christianity stabbed by masked men. Attackers shout ‘Kuffar’ (Arabic for non-believer or infidel) during the attack. Passing nurse provides first aid and ambulance takes them to hospital

Two Iranians who converted from Islam to Christianity were stabbed by masked men in Haugesund last week. The attacker shouted ‘Kuffar’ (Arabic for non-believer) during the attack.

The attack happened Tuesday evening, when both Christian Iranians were out walking in Haugesund. They were suddenly attacked by three masked men armed with knives, who shouted ‘kuffar’ while they stabbed the two.

A nurse passing by gave first aid and then an ambulance brought them to hospital, reports Haugesunds Avis.

According to the police, one of the victims was stabbed twice in the back and the other was stabbed in his side. No perpetrators have been caught.

The two victims want to remain anonymous and have not spoken of the assault. They’ve lived in Norway for many years. One of them converted in Norway, the other did so in Iran and managed to flee to Norway after he was abused and imprisoned for his faith.

They’re both active in a local evangelical church.

‘They’ve very active in the community, and have also bore witness to their faith during meetings,’ says their pastor, who also wants to remain anonymous, since he often travels to Muslim countries where Christians are persecuted.

He’s certain that the attack was religiously motivated. “I’m totally sure of it. Since the attackers shouted ‘kuffar’ during the attack, I have no doubt about it.”He says he didn’t expect such things to happen in Haugesund. “It’s very dramatic and surprising. I didn’t take that into account. I hadn’t heard of threats against any coverts in the area.”
Iranska konvertiter knivhöggs i Norge
Världen idag, January 23, 2012

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