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Morris Cerullo Ministry Donates $50,000 To Puerto Rico Hurricane Victims

Evangelist Morris Cerullo

Evangelist Morris Cerullo

As Evangelist Morris and Theresa Cerullo watched the devastating news of Hurricane Maria unfold—which virtually devastated Puerto Rico’s entire population of 3.5 million, their hearts were deeply moved.

Morris and Theresa, who recently celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary, and Morris’ 71st anniversary of ministry and his 85th birthday, said, “This is not a time for us to stand by—we need to somehow let these people know we care!”

As a result, Morris Cerullo Ministries partnered with Guaynabo Mayor Angel Perez, Pastor Sydney Stair and scores of Puerto Rican churches and ministries in hosting a “To Puerto Rico With Love Blessing Breakfast” for 300 devastated by Hurricane Maria on Wednesday morning, October 25 at The Guaynabo City Hall.

The 300 in attendance—representing 85 families—many that lost everything in Hurricane Maria—who were brought to the Blessing Breakfast by dear pastor and ministry friends from across Puerto Rico received financial gifts from MCWE totaling $50,000

Mayor of Guaynabo, Angel Perez, said, “I just want to tell Dr. Morris and Theresa Cerullo, thank you! Thank you for all the help you are bringing to our people over here in Guaynabo and across Puerto Rico. It is a great blessing!  Thank you for what you are doing for our families. Puerto Rico thanks you. From the 3.5 million people across Puerto Rico, I say thank you for this “To Puerto Rico With Love Blessing Breakfast!”

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