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Only The Lord Will Save Donald Trump – David Lane

US President Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump

The influential evangelical leader, David Lane, who hosted Donald Trump at one of his big Pastors and Pews events this past August, has some thoughts on Trump and the big controversy taking place right now over the lewd “hot mic” episode.

See what he said:

“I’m not as interested in what Donald Trump said 10 to 15 years ago. I am interested in where he is today…what’s going on with Donald and Melanie Trump spiritually today.

I know the man of the flesh, 1.) I used to be one and 2.) by his grace and mercy, I’m not what I was 35 years ago, but not what I hope to be someday. I want to be more like him, but I’ve used up a lot of his mercy over the last 35 years… but I have a special burden for Donald Trump.

Dr. Tim LaHaye called me a year and a half or two ago and said, “I want you and I to go see Donald Trump. He and Melania were at a Dr. David Jeremiah conference in NYC last month and they were on the front row. After the conference Donald and Melania went backstage and Donald said to David Jeremiah, “Melania and I sit in front of the TV every Sunday watching your program.”

I asked Dr. Tim, “Why do you want us to go see Trump?”

He replied, “I want us to talk him into being Mike Huckabee’s National Finance Chairman for Huckabee’s presidential run.”

I replied, “Dr. Tim, I think Trump is running for president.”

I’ve prayed for Donald Trump since that call, by name, seven days a week — I haven’t missed a day praying for him — I added Melania in the last year. My prayer for them this morning was that there would be a resurrection, first, and then a transformation on the public stage, demonstrating what the Living God does to a man and woman who give themselves to him. I know, it happened to me, a resurrection and a transformation.

That said, I’m not always what I want be, for, the flesh of the believer is just as awful as the flesh of the unbeliever. Maybe you’re different?

The Lord is the only thing that will save Donald Trump, spiritually and politically.”

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