Believers Portal

Lord Send A Revival – Hymn

Send a revival, O Christ, my Lord,
Let it go over the land and sea.
Send it according to Thy dear Word,
And let it begin in me.

Lord, send a revival,
Lord, send a revival,
Lord, send a revival,
And let it begin in me.

Send a revival among Thine own,
Help us to turn from our sins away.
Let us draw near to the Father’s throne,
Revive us again, we pray.

Send a revival to those in sin,
Help them, O Jesus, to turn to Thee.
Let them the new life in Thee begin,
Oh, give them the victory.

Send a revival in ev’ry heart,
Draw the world nearer. O Lord to Thee.
Let Thy salvation true joy impart,
And let it begin in me.

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