Edwin Louis Cole was the founder of the Christian Men’s Network, an American religious organization devoted to helping Christian men and fathers.

See The List Of Books By Edwin Louis Cole
Maximized Manhood
published 1982 (4 editions)
Communication, Sex & Money: Overcoming the Three Common Challenges in Relationships
published 1991 (3 editions)
Courage: Winning Life’s Toughest Battles
published (2002)
The Unique Woman
published 1991 (2 editions)
Never Quit
published 2002 (2 editions)
Strong Men in Tough Times
published 1994
The Power Of Potential
published 2003
Sexual Integrity: A Sexual … Sexual Integrity: A Sexual Revolution Called Purity
published 2001 (2 editions)
Maximized Manhood: A Guide to Family Survival
published 2004
Real Man
published 1992 (3 editions)
Kesempurnaan Seorang Pria
published 2006
Winners Are Not Those Who Never Fail, But Those Who Never Quit
published 1993 (2 editions)
Strong Men in Tough Times
published 1993 (2 editions)
Treasure Uncovering Patterns And Principles That Create Prosperity
published 2006
On Becoming A–Real Man
published 1992
Strong Men in Tough Times: Exercising True Manhood in an Age That Demands Heroes
published 2003
Courage: A Book For Champions
Irresistible Husband: For t… Irresistible Husband: For the Man Who Wants to Know
published 1999
Manhood 101: How To Be A Man Of Courage And Integrity In A World Of Compromise
published 1995
Hombres fuertes en tiempos difíciles
published 1994 (2 editions)
Absolute Answers to Prodigal Problems
published 1998 (2 editions)
Courage: Building The Character Of A Champion
published 1985 (2 editions)
Menjadi Pria Sejati
published 2006
The Potential Principle: Scripture Reference Guide to Living Your Life to It’s Maximum
published 1984
Sexual Integrity: A Sexual Revolution Called Purity
published 2003
Courage: The Curriculum for Men
published 2002
The Unique Woman: Curriculum
published 2002
Never Quit: Curriculum
published 2003
Profiles in Courageous Manhood
published 1998
Real Man: Majoring in Men Curriculum
published 2003
The Power of Potential: Maximize God’s Principles to Fulfill Your Dreams
published 2003
Hombría al Máximo: Una guía para la supervivencia familiar
published 2013
The Sacredness Of Sex: The Challenge For A New Generation
published 1989
Comunicación, Sexo, y Dinero: Los tres obstáculos más comunes que ponen en riesgo las relaciones entre hombres y mujeres
published 2010 (2 editions)
El Poder del Potencial
The Unique Woman: Insight & Wisdom To Maximize Your Life
Manpower: The Call for Spiritual Revival of Men in America
published 1997
Sexual Integrity
The Glory of Sex: How to Live Right in a World Living Wrong
Facing the Challenge of Crisis and Change
Esposo irresistible
published 2013
Entering and Leaving Crisis: A Step by Step Guide for Times of Transition
published 1998
Coragem: vencendo as batalhas mais difíceis da vida
Homem ao máximo
Un Hombre de Verdad
published 1992
Homem que é homem
published 1994
Power of Potential Workbook: Maximize God’s Principles to Fulfill Your Dreams
Maximized Manhood Workbook: A Guide to Family Survival
Power of Potential: Maximize God’s Principles to Fulfill Your Dreams
The Courage Scripture Reference Guide: An Outline For Personal Application Of The Word
Strong Men in Tough Times Workbook: Being a Hero in Cultural Chaos
Hombres fuertes en tiempos difíciles
published 1994
Integridad Sexual: Una Revolucion Sexual Llamada Pureza
Mujer Unica: Vision y Sabiduria Para Maximizar Tu Vida
published 2008
Treasure: Curriculum
published 2006
Husbands and Fathers: Rediscover the Creator’s Purpose for Men
by Derek Prince, Edwin Louis Cole
published 2000 (13 editions)
Porträts Mutiger Männer
published 2001
Hombres Fuertes En Tiempos Dificiles: Ejerciendo La Verdadera Hombria En Una Epoca Que Demanda Heroes
published 2009
Sexual Integrity Workbook: A Sexual Revolution Called Purity
Un hombre de verdad: Su rol como líder, esposo, padre y amigo
El Poder Del Potencial
published 2007
Tesoro: Descubriendo Patrones y Principios Que Generan Prosperidad
Real Man Workbook: Power Up Legendary Manhood
Integridad Sexual: El Sexo Es Para Amar y Para Dar
Valor: Para Ganar Las Batallas Mas Dificiles de La Vida
published 2008
Unique Woman Workbook: Insight and Wisdom to Maximize Your Life
Unique Woman: Insight and Wisdom to Maximize Your Life
Never Quit Workbook
El Poder del Potencial: Desarrolle su vida al máximo
published 2007
Campeones No Son Aquellos Que Nunca Fallan Sino Aquellos Que Nunca Se Rinden: Si Alguna Vez Haz Querido Renunciar Debes Leer Esto Primero!
published 2007
Hombre de Verdad: Su Rol Como Lder, Esposo, Padre y Amigo
Life Builders – Men Empowered by the Spirit
by Robert White, Edwin Louis Cole