Believers Portal

List Of Gospel Artists In Chile

Arturo Pacheco Altamirano (1903–1978),
Samy Benmayor – painter
Claudio Bravo (1936–2011), hyper-realism p
Pablo Burchard (1875–1964), painter
Celia Castro (1860–1930), painter
Carlos Catasse (1944– ), painter
Santos Chávez (1934–2001), printmaker
Adolfo Couve (1940–1998), artist and writer
Eugenio Cruz Vargas (1923–2014), painter and poet
Juan Davila
Marcela Donoso (1961– ), painter
Juan Downey (1940–1993), video artist
José Tomás Errázuriz (1856–1927), landscape painter and diplomat
Freddy Flores Knistoff (1948–), painter and writer
Álvaro Guevara (1894–1951), painter
Onofre Jarpa (1849–1940), painter
Guillermo Jullian de la Fuente (1931–2008), architect and painter
Pedro Lira (1845–1912), painter
Roberto Matta (1911–2002), painter
Rebeca Matte (1875–1929), sculptor
Carlos Maturana
Camilo Mori (1896–1973), painter
Pedro Olmos Muñoz, painter
Manuel Ortiz de Zárate (1887–1946), painter
Matilde Pérez (1916–2014), kinetic artist
José Manuel Ramírez Rosales (1804–1877), painter and entrepreneur
Cosme San Martín (1850–1906), painter and art teacher
Carlos Sotomayor – Cubist painter
Ramón Subercaseaux Vicuña (1854–1937), painter and diplomat
Miguel Venegas, painter. Called “El Maestro” (the Master)
Kamal Siegel, digital artist
Humberto Tasso, Artist Painter (Realism)(Mystical)(Magical)(Life Like

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