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List Of Bible Scholars

Apostle Paul of Tarsus (died c. 60–65)
Apostle James, Son of Zebedee
Apostle Simon Peter
Apostle John, Son of Zebedee
Deacon Philip
Deacon Stephen the Protomartyr
Ignatius of Antioch (c. 35 or 50 – between 98 and 117)
Clement of Rome (fl. c. 96)
2nd century
Polycarp (c. 69 – c. 155)
Papias of Hierapolis (died. c. 160s)
Valentinus (c. 100 – c. 160)
Quadratus of Athens (fl. 124/125)
Basilides (died c. 132)
Aristides the Athenian (died c. 133 or fl. c. 140)
Aristo of Pella (fl. c. 140)
Marcion (c. 110 – c. 160)
Justin Martyr (c. 110 – c. 165)
Hegesippus (c. 110 – 180)
Melito of Sardis (died c. 180)
Athenagoras of Athens (c. 133 – c. 190)
Dionysius of Corinth (fl. c. 171)
Heracleon (fl. c. 175)
Apollinaris Claudius (fl. c. 177)
Ptolemy (fl. c. 180)
Pantaenus (died c. 200)
Irenaeus of Lyons (died c. 202)
Apollonius of Ephesus (fl. c. 180 – c. 210)
Serapion of Antioch (died 211)
Clement of Alexandria (c. 150 – 211 or 216)
Bardaisan (154–222/3)
Tertullian (c. 160 – c. 220)
3rd century
Minucius Felix (2nd or 3rd century)
Caius, Presbyter of Rome (early 3rd century)
Hippolytus of Rome (c. 170 – c. 236)
Origen of Alexandria (c. 184 – 254)
Sabellius (fl. c. 215)
Cyprian (died 258)
Novatian (c. 200 – 258)
Paul of Samosata (c. 200 – c. 275)
Dionysius of Alexandria (died 265)
Gregory Thaumaturgus (c. 213 – c. 270)
Methodius of Olympus (died c. 311)
Lucian of Antioch (c. 240 – 312)
Lactantius (c. 240 – c. 320)
4th century
Ambrose (337/340 – 397)
Arnobius of Sicca (died c. 330)
Athanasius (296–373)
Basil of Caesarea (c. 330 – 379)
Gregory of Nyssa (c. 330 – c. 395)
Gregory Nazianzus (329–389)
John Chrysostom (347–407)
5th century
Augustine (354–430)
Jerome (c. 347 – 420)
Cyril of Alexandria (c. 378 – 444)
Nestorius (c. 386 – c. 451)
6th century
Gregory the Great (540–604)
7th century
Maximus the Confessor (c. 580 – 662)
Isaac of Nineveh (died c. 700)
8th century
John of Damascus
9th century
Claudius of Turin (died 839)
Johannes Scotus Eriugena (810–877)
12th century
Peter Abelard (1079–1142)
Anselm (1033–1109)
Bernard of Clairvaux (1090–1153)
13th century
Albertus Magnus (c. 1200 – 1280)
Bonaventure (1221–1274)
Thomas Aquinas (1224–1274)
Peter Quesnel (died, 1299)
14th century
Scotus Johannes Duns (c. 1265 – c. 1308)
Meister Eckhart (1260–1328)
William of Ockham (1285–1347)
Dionigi di Borgo San Sepolcro (1300–1342)
15th century
Thomas à Kempis (1380–1471)
Jan Hus (c. 1369 – 1415)
Catherine of Siena (1347–1380)
Julian of Norwich (c. 1342 – 1416)
Nicholas of Cusa (1401–1464)
16th century
Alexander Alesius (1500–1565)
Teresa of Avila (1515–1582)
Heinrich Bullinger (1504–1575)
Theodore Beza (1519–1605)
Charles Borromeo (1538–1584)
Martin Bucer (1491–1551)
John Calvin (1509–1564)
John of the Cross (1542–1591)
Thomas Cranmer (1489–1556)
Desiderius Erasmus (1469–1536)
Richard Hooker (1554–1600)
John Knox (c. 1513 – 1572)
Ignatius of Loyola (c. 1491 – 1556)
Martin Luther (1483–1546)
Philip Melanchthon (1497–1560)
Huldrych Zwingli (1484–1531)
William Perkins (1558–1602)
Michael Servetus (1511–1553)
Menno Simons (1496–1561)
John of Avila (1500–1569)
17th century
Jacob Arminius (1560–1609)
Moses Amyraut (1596–1664)
Richard Baxter (1615–1691)
Jakob Boehme (1575–1624)
Zachary Boyd (1585–1653)
Stephen Charnock (1628–1680)
Francis de Sales (1567–1622)
Fenelon (1651–1715)
Owen Feltham (c. 1602 – 1668)
John Milton (1608–1674)
John Flavel (1627–1691)
George Fox (1624–1691)
John Goodwin (1593–1665)
Hugo Grotius (1583–1645)
John Owen (1616–1683)
Anton Praetorius (1560–1613)
Francis Turretin (1623–1687)
Herman Witsius (1636–1708)
18th century
George Bull (1634–1710)
Thomas Burnet (c. 1635 – 1715)
Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758)
John Fletcher (1729–1785)
John Gill (1697–1771)
Philipp Jakob Spener (1635–1705)
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772)
Charles Wesley (1707–1788)
John Wesley (1703–1791)
George Whitefield (1714–1770)
19th century
Archibald Alexander (1772–1851)
William Alexander (bishop) (1824–1911)
Leonard Bacon (1802–1881)
Nathan Bangs (1778–1862)
Lyman Beecher (1775–1863)
Nikolai Berdyaev (1874–1948)
William Booth (1829–1912)
Borden Parker Bowne (1847–1910)
Horace Bushnell (1802–1876)
Adam Clarke (1762–1832)
Charles Grandison Finney (1792–1875)
Wilbur Fisk (1792–1839)
Adolf Von Harnack (1851–1930)
Karl Heim (1874–1958)
A. A. Hodge (1823–1886)
Charles Hodge (1797–1878)
Hugh Price Hughes (1847–1902)
Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855)
Frederick Denison Maurice (1805–1872)
John Miley (1813–1895)
John Henry Newman (1801–1890)
Heinrich Paulus (1761–1851)
Franz Pieper (1852–1931)
William Burt Pope (1822–1903)
Walter Rauschenbusch (1861–1918)
Max Reischle (1858–1905)
Albrecht Ritschl (1822–1889)
Philip Schaff (1819–1893)
Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768–1834)
Charles Spurgeon (1834–1892)
Bernhard Stade (1848–1906)
Mary Baker Eddy (1821–1910)
James Strong (1822–1894)
James Strong (1833–1913)
Henry Barclay Swete (1835–1918)
William Temple (archbishop) (1881–1944)
Nathaniel William Taylor (1786–1858)
C.F.W. Walther (1811–1887)
Richard Watson (1781–1833)
Christian Hermann Weisse (1801–1866)
Charles Taze “Pastor” Russell (1852–1916)
Franz Delitzsch (1813–1890)
Billy Sunday (1862–1935)
20th century
Thomas J. J. Altizer (born 1927)
Greg Bahnsen (1948–1995)
Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905–1988)
Mildred Barker (1897–1990)
Karl Barth (1886–1968)
Louis Berkhof (1873–1957)
Anthony of Sourozh (1914–2003)
Marie-Émile Boismard (1916–2004)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906–1945)
Carl Braaten (born 1929)
Edgar S. Brightman (1884–1953)
F.F. Bruce (1910–1990)
Emil Brunner (1889–1966)
Sergei Bulgakov (1871–1944)
Rudolf Karl Bultmann (1884–1976)
G. B. Caird (1917–1984)
Lewis Sperry Chafer (1871–1952)
William Henry Chamberlin (1870–1921)
Gordon Clark (1902–1985)
Edmund Clowney (1917–2005)
John B. Cobb (born 1925)
James Hal Cone (born 1938)
Yves Congar (1904–1995)
Oscar Cullmann (1902–1999)
Dorothy Day (1897–1980)
Ignacio Ellacuría (1930–1989)
Avery Dulles (1918–2008)
Millard Erickson (born 1932)
Frederic William Farrar (1831–1903)
Paul S. Fiddes (born 1947)
Gerhard Forde (1927–2005)
Peter Taylor Forsyth (1842–1921)
Matthew Fox (born 1940)
Hans Wilhelm Frei (1922–1988)
Langdon Gilkey (1919–2004)
Friedrich Gogarten (1887–1967)
Justo Gonzalez (born 1937)
Billy Graham (1918–2018)
J. Kenneth Grider (born 1921)
Gustavo Gutiérrez (born 1928)
Georgia Harkness (1891–1974)
Adolf von Harnack (1851–1930)
Carl F. H. Henry (1913–2003)
Dietrich von Hildebrand (1889–1977)
Leonard Hodgson (1889–1969)
Anthony A. Hoekema (1913–1988)
Heinrich Julius Holtzmann (1832–1910)
Robert Jenson (born 1930)
E. Stanley Jones (1884–1973)
Catherine Keller (born 1953)
Meredith G. Kline (1922–2007)
Albert C. Knudson (1873–1953)
Kosuke Koyama (1929–2009)
Hans Küng (born 1928)
Abraham Kuyper (1837–1920)
George Eldon Ladd (1911–1982)
C. S. Lewis (1898 – 1963)
Edwin Lewis (1881–1959)
Bernard Lonergan (1904–1984)
Henri de Lubac (1896–1991)
J. Gresham Machen (1881–1937)
John Macquarrie (born 1919)
Martin E. Marty (born 1928)
Thomas Merton (1915–1968)
Johann Baptist Metz (born 1928)
Jurgen Moltmann (born 1926)
John Murray (1898–1975)
Watchman Nee
Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971)
H. Richard Niebuhr (1894–1962)
Anders Nygren (1890–1978)
Rudolf Otto (1869–1937)
Albert C. Outler (1908–1989)
J. I. Packer (born 1926)
David Pawson (born 1930)
Johannes Pedersen (1883–1977)
Karl Rahner (1904–1984)
Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)
Rosemary Radford Ruether (born 1936)
Charles Ryrie (1925–2016)
Dorothy Sayers (1893–1957)
Francis Schaeffer (1912–1984)
Alexander Schmemann (1921–1983)
Albert Schweitzer (1875–1965)
Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza (born 1938)
Fulton Sheen (1895–1979)
Albert Benjamin Simpson (1843–1919)
Frank Stagg (1911–2001)
Dumitru Stăniloae (1903–1993)
John Stott (1921–2011)
William Stringfellow (1928–1985)
Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki (born 1933)
Henry Barclay Swete (1835–1918)
Paul Tillich (1886–1965)
Thomas F. Torrance (1913–2007)
A. W. Tozer (1897–1963)
Cornelius Van Til (1895–1987)
Nikolaj Velimirović (1880–1956)
Gerhard von Rad (1901–1971)
Geerhardus Vos (1862–1949)
John Walvoord (1910–2002)
Henry Wansbrough
B. B. Warfield (1851–1921)
Victor Paul Wierwille (1916–1985)
H. Orton Wiley (1877–1961)
Karol Wojtyła (Pope John Paul II) (1920–2005)
John Howard Yoder (1927–1997)
21st century
Tina Beattie (born 1955)
Marilyn McCord Adams (1943–2017)
James Alison (born 1959)
Marcella Althaus-Reid (1952–2009)
Rubem Alves (1933–2014)
Yves-Marie Adeline (born 1960)
John Ankerberg (born 1945)
Robert Arp
Joel R. Beeke (born 1952)
Alistair Begg (born 1952)
Joseph A. Bracken (born 1930)
Leonardo Boff (born 1938)
Marcus Borg (1942–2015)
Gregory Boyd (born 1957)
Michael L. Brown (born 1955)
Don Carson (born 1946)
William Lane Craig (born 1949)
Charles E. Curran (born 1934)
Gavin D’Costa (born 1958)
Marva Dawn
Mark Dever
Kwesi Dickson
Sinclair Ferguson
Roger T Forster (Born 1933)
John Frame (born 1939)
Robert A. J. Gagnon
Chris Glaser
Norman Geisler
Bob Goss
Stanley Grenz (1950–2005)
Wayne Grudem
Gary Habermas
Scott Hahn
Victor Paul Wierwille (1916–1985)
Catharina Halkes (1920–2011)
Stanley Hauerwas (born 1940)
John Hick
Michael Horton
Eric Hovind
Kent Hovind
Bolaji Idowu
Robert Jenson
Elizabeth Johnson
Scott J. Jones (born 1954)
Musimbi Kanyoro
Timothy J. Keller
John Lennox
Erwin Lutzer
Thomas Berry (1914–2009)
John F. MacArthur (born 1939)
John S Mbiti (born 1931)
Alister McGrath (born 1953)
Scotty McLennan (born 1948)
John J McNeill
Jürgen Moltmann (born 1926)
J.P. Moreland
R. Albert Mohler Jr.
Jesse Mugambi (born 1947)
Daniela Müller (born 1957)
George Newlands (born 1941)
Thomas C. Oden (born 1931)
Mercy Oduyoye (born 1934)
Thomas Jay Oord (born 1965)
Wolfhart Pannenberg (born 1928)
Eugene Peterson (born 1932)
Clark Pinnock
John Piper
Alvin Plantinga
Michael Plekon
John Polkinghorne
Vern Poythress
Andrew Purves
Robert L. Reymond
Adrian Rogers (September 12, 1931 – November 15, 2005)
Lamin Sanneh
Douglas Stuart
Edward Schillebeeckx (1914–2009)
Dorothee Soelle (1929–2003)
John Shelby Spong (born 1931)
R. C. Sproul
R.C. Sproul, Jr.
Elizabeth Stuart
Carsten Peter Thiede (1952–2004)
Anthony Thiselton (born 1937)
Stephen Tong
Miroslav Volf
Daniel B. Wallace (born 1952)
Graham Ward (born 1955)
Keith Ward (born 1938)
Paul Washer
Dallas Willard
J. Rodman Williams
Rowan Williams (born 1950)
William Willimon (born 1946)
Nancy Wilson
Ben Witherington
N. T. Wright
Ravi Zacharias
John Zizioulas

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