Believers Portal

Jerusalem The Beautiful – Hymn

O beautiful for holiness,
For truth that speaks in love,
For saints that walk in lowliness,
As pure as heav’n above.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Thou city of the free,
No foe can blight thy glorious light,
For thy God dwells in thee.

O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Thy radiant gates release;
Good news they bring to all they meet-
The promise of thy peace!
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
How safe thy sacred place:
God’s blood-bought band from every land
Flows up to thine embrace.

O beautiful for that dear Name,
Enshrined in every heart;
The church of God’s eternal Flame
Empowers every part.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Before thee factions fall;
“One faith” is found where love is crowned,
And Christ is all in all.

O beautiful for Jesus’ Bride,
In shining splendor dressed;
His priceless gift has purified,
Bestowing heaven’s best.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Thy King chose none but thee:
Then self is done when two are one
In perfect unity.

O beautiful for rev’rent trust
That calls no care its own,
But counts each moment joyous, just
To lean on Christ alone.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
In sweet submission shine;
Rejoice in rest-so safe, so blest
By government divine.

O beautiful for vision bright-
Undimmed by earthly clay-
That, knowing Christ now reigns in right,
Foretastes the wedding day!
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
God shed His grace on thee,
Till at His throne Christ claims His own
Through all eternity!

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