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Islamic Terrorists Threatens First Baptist, Church Says ‘Not Afraid’

ISIS Calls for Attack on First Baptist of Dallas: Church Rejects ‘Spirit of Fear’

The Islamic terrorist group ISIS is calling on its followers to attack a large and prominent church in Dallas, Texas.

Earlier this month, the ISIS publication Rumiyah, named among other targets, Dallas’ First Baptist, saying the church was “a popular Crusader gathering place waiting to be burned down.”

Law enforcement officials told NBC’s KXAS-TV in Dallas that they are taking the threat seriously, but insist there is no immediate danger to the facility.

The station reports First Baptist has been in regular contact with the FBI and Dallas police for weeks.

But the threat of an ISIS fire bombing has not deterred the church.

“The Bible tells us the Lord has not given us a spirit of fear,” church officials told KXAS. “If we surrender to fear, ISIS wins. We will continue doing what the Lord has called us to do.”

The ISIS magazine reportedly included pictures of the church, along with a list of other potential targets like hospitals, nightclubs, schools and Shia mosques.

The magazine also urged followers to consider using fire as a weapon of destruction, saying, “Arson attacks should in no way be belittled.

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