Believers Portal

I Want My Life To Tell For Jesus – Hymn

Amid life’s busy, hurrying throng-
The gay, the sad, the weak, the strong-
While I am traveling along,
I want my life to tell for Jesus.

I want my life to tell for Jesus!
I want my life to tell for Jesus,
That everywhere I go,
Men may His goodness know,
I want my life to tell for Jesus!

I want to be a beacon light
To cheer wayfarers in their night,
And help them on their way aright;
I want my life to tell for Jesus.

I want my life with Jesus hid,
That I may do what He shall bid;
I want to love as Jesus did;
I want my life to tell for Jesus.

To wealth and fame I would not climb,
But I would know God’s peace sublime,
And everywhere and all the time,
I want my life to tell for Jesus.

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