Believers Portal

I Give My All To Thee – Hymn

My blessed Lord, I will be Thine,
Thy blood has made me free;
Thy precious word and love divine
Has won my heart to Thee.

O Lord, I bow low at Thy feet,
I give my all to Thee;
Oh, fill me now with joy complete,
Forever keep me free.

Oh, let the rays of heav’nly light
Forever in me shine;
Oh, let Thy praise be my delight,
And keep me wholly Thine.

Thy gracious will shall ever be
The object of my heart;
Thy presence, oh, how sweet to me,
Shall never from me part.

My hope is bright, and shines my crown
Above the myriad stars;
His glory and His love pour down
On me in copious show’rs.

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