Believers Portal

Hope In Christ

Title : Hope In Christ
Bible Book:
Romans 5:2-7
Memory Verse :
Romans 5:5

“On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.”

At the last Olympics in RIO (2016), more than 120 countries presented their participants with the hope to get or win positions, recognition, bronze, silver or gold; they all participated for various benefits, some have their hopes met, others have their hopes dashed.

Likewise, you have hope in and hope to. Whatsoever your hope is, hope in Christ, He can protect and preserve your life

Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, help me to count on you.

Action Point: Take a stock of your life and see with whom and where is your hope.

How have you found hope in Christ? Share with us in the comment below.

You can also send us your prayer requests.

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