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“We Expect More Attacks” Egypt’s Christians Say

The more attacks that fall on the church in Egypt, the more martyrs we wave goodbye to as they enter heaven, and the more eyes are being opened and hearts are seeking the truth and searching for it.

We recently spoke with an Open Doors partner on the ground in Egypt to discuss the uncertainty and evil they are facing. Here is what he shared:

Coffins of the dear dead ones were all buried, both in the cities of Tanta and Alexandria where two recent attacks have hit the churches of St. George and St. Mark. About 100 wounded Christians are still in hospitals suffering pain, devastation and the uncertainty of the coming days. For them, the hope of staying alive for another day is indefinite due to their critical conditions.

…and intense oppression and hatred to impact the daily life of Christians in Egypt, mainly from the large radicalized segment of the Egyptian society, a segment of people who are misled and brainwashed by radical Muslim leaders who speak out their poisonous language against Christians from within and outside Egypt. As much as the state is showing sympathy and support to the Christian community, the embedded spirit of rejection and disrespect to the Christian faith and to Christians can’t be overlooked.

As for the church, we are still shaken from the shock of the attacks, and future consequences are not yet clear to us. Both the government and the Orthodox church are currently taking care of the families of the dead ones and the injured. The coming days or weeks will unveil any possible channels where direct help is needed.


…we reach out and look to the skies, to talk to our Father and accept willingly all that He permits to come to His church in Egypt, confident that He feels for our pains without us having to talk about them to Him.

We understand that the Egyptian church is passing through a season of pain and testing in preparation for a great and mighty work of God in Egypt. Although, persecution is not new to Egypt and is also a part of our Christian heritage and journey, the increasing attacks and constant pressures we are facing are shaking the foundations of many within and outside the Christian community.

True Christians are putting their hope in the Lord, learning more profoundly how to live the spirit of love and forgiveness, while people outside the Christian community are confused about how such dreadful attacks could be committed in favor of “Allah,” the god of Islam.

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