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‘It’s Encouraging That The President’s Cabinet Gather Weekly For Prayer’ Franklin Graham Says



The Reverend Franklin Graham has expressed how encouraged he is at the news that many members of President Trump’s cabinet meet together every week to pray. Several cabinet members attend a weekly Biblestudy, and seek the Lord together for our nation. Long may it continue!

“It’s very encouraging to know that members of the president’s cabinet gather weekly for prayer,” said Graham on Facebook. “Vice President Mike Pence and eight others sponsor the sessions. Former NBA player Ralph Drollinger who leads the Bible study said, “In terms of a country’s health anddirection, when its leaders are seeking God, the nation is in a position to be blessed by God in ways that are ‘far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think.'” He’s absolutely right.”

Pray for our leaders, that they might gain wisdom, insight and inspiration from God almighty, to lead the nation forward! he added.

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