Believers Portal

Crowned With Thorns Upon The Tree – Hymn

Written By H. Grattan Guiness

Crowned with thorns upon the tree,
Silent in Thine agony;
Dying, crushed beneath the load
Of the wrath and curse of God.

On Thy pale and suff’ring brow,
Mystery of love and woe;
On Thy grief and sore amaze,
Saviour, I would fix my gaze.

On Thy pierced and bleeding breast
Thou dost bid the weary rest;
Rest there from the world’s false ways,
Rest there from its vanities.

Rest in pardon and relief
From the load of guilt and grief;
Rest in Thy redeeming blood,
Rest in perfect peace with God.

Sin-atoning Sacrifice,
Thou art precious in mine eyes;
Thou alone my rest shall be,
Now and through eternity.

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