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Bishop Okwudili Eze 2019 Prophecy

Bishop Okwudili Eze

Bishop Okwudili Eze

The founder and general overseer of Zion Heritage and Miracle Ministries headquartered in Abuja, Bishop Okwudili Eze has released 20 prophecies about the New Year 2019.

Read Bishop Okwudili Eze 2019 Prophecy Below:

1. Year 2019 for Zionites shall be a year of ‘’New Things’’. The rivers of the mercies of God shall break the fallow grounds of the commission. That shall be the beginning of a new level of impact, rise in glory and fruitfulness. Isaiah 43 : 18 – 21, Isaiah 60 : 22, Isaiah 32 :15.

2. 2019 in the body of Christ shall be a year of a ‘’Generational Shift’’. A particular work in season shall be completed and new work with speed shall begin with fresh gospel generals taking the center stage for gospel impact.

3. 2019 in the body of Christ shall be a year of great mantle transfers and a re-introduction of some ancient mantles for an accelerated move of God. Some of the fathers that have had former moves of God, whose assignment have been completed, shall be taken home.

4. The sickle is set for massive global soul winning drive with an unprecedented harvest for the kingdom. God is releasing ancient reapers for harvest of souls and would as well prepare the hearts of men and make them ready for harvest.

Recommended: All 2019 Prophecies For Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, USA, Others

5. There will be a release of abundance to the body of Christ world-wide. The wealth of the nations shall flow into the church for end-time gospel purposes that would make the church envy of nations and a voice of dominion.

6. God is about to raise mega kingdom financial giants from the church to rule and reign for Him across the 7 mountains of influence. Some would single-handedly off-set the debts of a nation and reposition nations for greatness for God.

7. Holy Spirit wants to do a precise and strategic work in the lives of people and ministries. Ability to empty one of himself, abide with Him and run with specific instructions from Him shall spell great success for people, ministers and ministries.

8. A lot of believers who love the Lord and are passionate and dedicated about the kingdom assignment would move from the ‘’Realm of Not Enough to More than Enough’’ in finance, abundance and wealth in 2019.

9. The devil wants to destroy a lot of ministers with death through the careless handling of their health in 2019. Ministers should learn to avoid stress, sleep and eat well and maintain a regular routine of monthly medical check-up.

See Also: 2019 Theme (Year Of) For All Churches In Nigeria

10. A spot-light would be cast on Nigeria from the commitee of nations with a drive to come and invest massively in the nation. God is restoring Nigeria as the pride of Africa and as a voice in the commitee of nations. Gifted and impact making sons of this country will emerge causing international sensation because of their impact across their field of endeavour. The birth of a new Nigeria is here!

11. The church should pray against the wide-spread of the spirit of cancer, diabetes, especially amongst the young people and prostrate related diseases

12. The anger of God shall rest upon and expose those men and influential politicians and business people who are behind human parts trafficking for ritual money across the nation. Some men of God who have boys running this cartel for them shall be arrested, exposed and disgraced openly.

13. It shall be a year of great and visible rewards to all believers and ministers of the gospel who have followed and served God over the years without any visible blessings. A book of remembrance with great honour has been opened for them.

14. The burden for mission which is the heart of God is about to be shared with some leading gospel leaders in Nigeria. Many of them would begin to catch the vision of global mission to nations and if they refuse to go, God would begin to take people away from them in order to get their attention concerning God’s burning passion for the last day church.

15. The church should stand in prayer against a strong whirlwind of the spirit of suicide amongst men of God and believers. This is basically due to prolonged depression and unhealed emotional wounds. Prayers would greatly avert this and showing of love to one another plus encouragement.

16. A fresh mantle of fire for renewed strength and gospel impact is coming upon ministers in 2019. Many would see the birthing of a new dimension of their former ministry in great glory, growth and explosion that would greatly amaze them. This shall be solely accomplished by the Holy Spirit.

17. God shall be releasing the oil of strategic relationship and helpers of destiny into people’s lives that would make their age-longed vision to finally manifest with great supernatural provisions.

18. 2019 shall mark the beginning of the birthing of a new Nigeria. God would strategically begin to remove from the stage the old cabals silence their voices, cut-off their influences and many of them shall go through death. A new generation of impact makers are arising.

19. Governmental sledge hammer, restraining policies and in some cases, outright shut-down of churches is coming seriously. The south-African country plus other southern countries are going to use tight policies to check-mate the excesses of pastors. Some pastors would be asked to go back to their home countries or their right to operate greatly limited.

20. There shall be an increased manifestation of angelic dealings with believers and open vision encounters revealing deep mysteries in God

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