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Biography Of Bishop William Harris

Biography, Life and Ministry Of Bishop William Harris

Bishop William Harris
Bishop William Harris

Bishop William Harris is the Presiding Bishop of the International Christian Apostolic Fellowship.

Bishop William Harris is a master of vision and has a unique ability to bring people together. And that anointing and his vision of reform have opened doors all around the world. Bishop Harris has been traveling
extensively casting this vision of reform.

He has been blessed with a unique ability to motivate and strategically give direction to those who have been waiting for this defining moment of change. It is this vision of Apostolic Reformation and Manifestation that serves Bishop Harris in his role as the Presiding Bishop of the International Christian Apostolic Fellowship, connecting Bishops, Pastors and leaders locally and globally.

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Bishop William Harris

Through the ICAF, he has created a platform of unity and Kingdom Manifestation and he leads hundreds of churches in the United States of America and abroad. In addition to serving as the Presider of the I.C.A.F., Bishop Harris is the Senior Pastor & Founder of three churches in three states.

The headquarters is located at Praise Covenant Church, Inc. in Louisville, Kentucky.

As a trailblazer, Bishop Harris made World History when he was ordained as the youngest Bishop in the world. He holds his Bachelor’s Degree in Religious Education, a Master’s Degree in Theology, a Doctorate Degree in Theology and three honorary Doctorate Degrees from some of our Nation’s
esteemed universities.

In addition to Pastoring, Bishop Harris is the author of four books. He extensively travels the country preaching and teaching dynamic leadership and church growth principles from his books. Bishop Harris travels the world far and wide! His impact can be attributed to transparency and the anointing of God that has gifted him for such a time as this.

He is married to First Lady Regena M. Harris and they have two children, William L. Harris, V and Rei’miyah M.Harris.

Bishop William Harris and wife, First Lady Regena M. Harris

A passionate soul winner, Harris takes the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world, sharing the hope and life of Christ to thousands and millions of souls. In a post shared recently on his Facebook timeline, Bishop Harry shared several photos from his international trip in India, where he said over 75 people received the Holy Spirit and multitudes were baptized, and that he also had the privilege of teaching over 100 Hindu and Muslim Pastors the Gospel message.

He wrote:

During my last international trip to India I had the privelege of baptizing many Hindu and Muslim people in the Name of Jesus. This first picture is of a woman who recieved the Holy Spirit as she was being baptized. Over 75 people recieved the Holy Spirit and multitudes were baptized. I also had the privelege to teach over 100 Hindu and Muslim Pastors the Gospel message. In a time of bad news, I thought I would share some good news.

Bishop William Harris Official Website is

Bishop William Harris wife in India
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