AYO VINCENT is a multiple award winning Nigerian gospel artiste, worship leader, songwriter and music director.

Her hit single, YOU ARE GREAT won her two awards; a crystal award and an AGMA UK(African gospel Music Award) in 2014 and has over a million views on youtube.
Ayo’s sophomore Album supernatural is due for release in 2022
The album already features a couple of hit singles one of them being YOUR PRESENCE IS HERE, which soon became an anthem to worshippers all over the world and won her the LIMA award for best Song in 2019.
Her ultimate goal and passion is to reach out to people all over the world with the love and gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
see also: list of songs by Ayo Vincent
Ayo Vincent is also an author. She published her first book STARTING OVER in 2020 and her second, a children’s book titled DEAR HEAVENLY FATHER which was launched in February 2022 to wide acclaim, made it to the top 100 bestselling list of Christian children’s books on amazon kindle.
Ayo is happily married to the Love of her life, Hilary and together they have four amazing children.
Ayo Vincent’s Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/AyoVincentMusic
Ayo Vincent’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AyoVincentMusic
Ayo Vincent’s Official Twitter: ayovincentmusicstudios
Ayo Vincent’s Instagram: ayovincentmusicstudios